Getting Support


  1. Name of the plugin you’re trying to use, (e.g.,

  2. Copy of Log.txt (which tells us most everything about your X-Plane installation)

  3. Copy of XPPython3Log.txt (which tells us most everything about your Python installation). This log is found in the same folder as Log.txt.

Describe what you’re seeing versus what you’re expecting to see… “It’s broken” is not useful.

Provide that information to or email support. Information is available from the About XPPython3 menu.

You should provide both Log.txt and XPPython3Log.txt when looking for assistance with a python plugin.


It is very unlikely that a python2 plugin will work without modification with python3. The python language itself changed between versions. Additionally, python2 plugins used older X-Plane APIs, some of which have been retired with X-Plane 11.50+.

If you have questions about a particular python plugin, please contact the plugin’s creator!