
To use:

import xp

Scenery-related APIs include:

Terrain Y-Testing

The Y-testing API allows you to locate the physical scenery mesh. This would be used to place dynamic graphics on top of the ground in a plausible way or do physics interactions.

The Y-test API works via probeRef objects, which are allocated by your plugin and used to query terrain. ProbeRef objects exist both to capture which algorithm you have requested (see probe types) and also to cache query information.

Performance guidelines: It is generally faster to use the same probeRef for nearby points and different probeRefs for different points. Try not to allocate more than “hundreds” of probeRefs at most. Share probeRefs if you need more. Generally, probing operations are expensive, and should be avoided via caching when possible.

Y testing returns a location on the terrain, a normal vector, and a velocity vector. The normal vector tells you the slope of the terrain at that point. The velocity vector tells you if that terrain is moving (and is in meters/second). For example, if your Y test hits the aircraft carrier deck, this tells you the velocity of that point on the deck.

Note: the Y-testing API is limited to probing the loaded scenery area, which is approximately 300x300 km in X-Plane 9. ProbeRefs outside this area will return the height of a 0 MSL sphere.


Returns a probeRef, which is to be used with probeTerrain().

The probeType defines the type of probe, of which there is only one currently:

ProbeY = 0

The Y probe gives you the location of the tallest physical scenery along the Y axis going through the queried point.

>>> probe = xp.createProbe()
>>> probe
<capsule object "XPLMProbeRef" at 0x7f9c37464f90>

Official SDK XPLMCreateProbe


Deallocates an existing probeRef created by createProbe().

>>> probe = xp.createProbe()
>>> xp.destroyProbe(probe)

Official SDK XPLMDestroyProbe

probeTerrainXYZ(probeRef, x, y, z)

Probes the terrain. Pass in probeRef, and the x, y, z coordinates of the point. (You can obtain (x, y, z) information using, for example, worldToLocal() or datarefs sim/flightmodel/position/local_[xyz].)

The return value is an object with attributes:

.result: integer probe result value (See table below)
.locationZ: OpenGL point hit by the probe.
.normalZ: normal vector (e.g., the slope) of the terrain found
.velocityZ: velocity vector (e.g., meter/s) of movement of the terrain found
.is_wet: tells if the surface we hit is water (1= water)

For example, to determine actual height above terrain, get current aircraft (x, y, z) position, call probeTerrainXYZ() for that position. The returned value will tell you the (x, y, z) of the highest point of terrain there. Then subtract the two “y” values to determine meters above ground & convert to feet:

>>> x = xp.getDatad(xp.findDataRef('sim/flightmodel/position/local_x'))
>>> y = xp.getDatad(xp.findDataRef('sim/flightmodel/position/local_y'))
>>> z = xp.getDatad(xp.findDataRef('sim/flightmodel/position/local_z'))
>>> probeRef = xp.createProbe()
>>> info = xp.probeTerrainXYZ(probeRef, x, y, z)
>>> info
<xppython3.ProbeInfo object at 0x7f9c34564220>
>>> print(f"AGL is {(y - info.locationY) * 3.28084}ft")
AGL is 1004.0637ft

Similarly, if you want to find the height of the surface, you need to convert the locationY from OpenGL back to world coordinates:

>>> info = xp.probeTerrainXYZ(probeRef, x, y, z)
>>> print(f"Surface is {xp.localToWorld(info.locationX, info.locationY, info.locationZ)[2] * 3.28084}ft MSL")
Surface is 12.3445ft MSL

Probe Result Value


ProbeHitTerrain = 0

The probe hit terrain and returned valid values.

ProbeError = 1

An error in the API call. Either the probe struct size is bad, or the probe is invalid or the type is mismatched for the specific query call.

ProbeMissed = 2

The probe call succeeded but there is no terrain under this point (perhaps it is off the side of the planet?)

Official SDK XPLMProbeTerrainXYZ

Magnetic Variation

Use the magnetic variation (more properly, the “magnetic declination”) API to find the offset of magnetic north from true north at a given latitude and longitude within the simulator.

In the real world, the Earth’s magnetic field is irregular, such that true north (the direction along a meridian toward the north pole) does not necessarily match what a magnetic compass shows as north.

Using this API ensures that you present the same offsets to users as X-Plane’s built-in instruments.

getMagneticVariation(latitude, longitude)

Returns X-Plane’s simulated magnetic variation (declination) at the indicated latitude and longitude.

>>> xp.getMagneticVariation(37.62, -122.38)

Official SDK XPLMGetMagneticVariation


Converts a heading in degrees relative to true north into a value relative to magnetic north at the user’s current location.

>>> xp.degTrueToDegMagnetic()
>>> xp.degTrueToDegMagnetic(-90)

Official SDK XPLMDegTrueToDegMagnetic


Converts a heading in degrees relative to magnetic north at the user’s current location into a value relative to true north.

>>> xp.degMagneticToDegTrue()

Official SDK XPLMDegMagneticToDegTrue

Library Access

The library access routines allow you to locate scenery objects via the X-Plane library system. Right now library access is only provided for objects, allowing plugin-drawn objects to be extended using the library system.

lookupObjects(path, latitude, longitude, enumerator, refCon)

This routine looks up a virtual path in the library system and returns a count of the number of matching elements found. You provide an enumerator callback to get loadable paths. (One virtual path may match many objects in the library). Your enumerator function will be called immediately and takes two parameters, one is the found path and the other is the refCon provided with the lookupObjects() call.

>>> def MyEnumerator(path, refCon):
...   refCon.append(path)
>>> objects = []
>>> xp.lookupObjects('lib/airport/landscape/windsock.obj', enumerator=MyEnumerator, refCon=objects)
>>> objects
['Resources/default scenery/sim objects/landscape/windsock.obj']

You can also do this simply with a lambda function:

>>> objects = []
>>> xp.lookupObjects('lib/ships/SailBoat.obj', enumerator=lambda path, _: objects.append(path))
>>> objects
['Resources/default scenery/sim objects/dynamic/SailBoat.obj']

The latitude and longitude parameters specify the location the object will be used. The library system allows for scenery packages to only provide objects to certain local locations. Only objects that are allowed at the latitude/longitude you provide will be returned. (Not specifying latitude / longitude results in using location (0, 0).)

For example, look some autogen resources differ when searching within Europe:

>>> path = "lib/g10/autogen/urban_low_broken_0.ags"
>>> xp.lookupObjects(path, latitude=35, longitude=-122, enumerator=lambda path, _: print(path))
Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/US/suburban/SubResSW32m.ags
>>> xp.lookupObjects(path, latitude=50, longitude=8.7, enumerator=lambda path, _: print(path))
Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/EU/sub_Resid02.ags

Official SDK XPLMLookupObjects

Object Drawing

The object drawing routines let you load and draw X-Plane OBJ files. Objects are loaded by file path and managed via an opaque handle. X-Plane naturally reference counts objects, so it is important that you balance every successful call to loadObject() with a call to unloadObject()!


This routine loads an OBJ file and returns an objectRef handle to it. If X-Plane has already loaded the object, the handle to the existing object is returned. Do not assume you will get the same handle back twice, but do make sure to call unload once for every load to avoid “leaking” objects. The object will be purged from memory when no plugins and no scenery are using it.

The path for the object must be relative to the X-System base folder. If the path is in the root of the X-System folder you may need to prepend ./ to it; loading objects in the root of the X-System folder is STRONGLY discouraged - your plugin should not dump art resources in the root folder!

loadObject() will return None if the object cannot be loaded (either because it is not found or the file is misformatted). This routine will load any object that can be used in the X-Plane scenery system.

It is important that the datarefs an object uses for animation already be loaded before you load the object. For this reason it may be necessary to defer object loading until the sim has fully started.

>>> objRef = xp.loadObject('Resources/default scenery/sim objects/dynamic/SailBoat.obj')
>>> objRef
<capsule object "XPLMObjectRef" at 0x7fe1d8353090>

Official SDK XPLMLoadObject

loadObjectAsync(path, loaded, refCon)

This routine loads an object asynchronously; control is returned to you immediately while X-Plane loads the object. The sim will not stop flying while the object loads. For large objects, it may be several seconds before the load finishes.

You provide an loaded callback function that is called once the load has completed. Note that if the object cannot be loaded, you will not find out until the callback function is called with a None object handle.

The callback function takes two parameters, the objectRef of the object loaded, and your refCon. For example:

>>> def MyLoaded(objectRef, refCon):
...    xp.log(f"Object {objectRef} has been loaded")
>>> xp.loadObjectAsync('Resources/default scenery/sim objects/dynamic/SailBoat.obj')

If your plugin is disabled, this callback will be delivered as soon as the plugin is re-enabled. If your plugin is unloaded before this callback is ever called, the SDK will release the object handle for you.

There is no way to cancel an asynchronous object load; you must wait for the load to complete and then release the object if it is no longer desired.

Official SDK XPLMLoadObjectAsync


This routine marks an objectRef as no longer being used by your plugin. Objects are reference counted: once no plugins are using an object, it is purged from memory. Make sure to call unloadObject() once for each successful call to loadObject() or loadObjectAsync().

Official SDK XPLMUnloadObject


To draw a loaded object, use the XPLMInstance API, for example

>>> # lookup object, getting the objectRef
>>> objects = []
>>> xp.lookupObjects('lib/ships/SailBoat.obj', enumerator=lambda path, _: objects.append(path))
>>> objRef = xp.loadObject(objects[0])
>>> # Create Instance, using this objectRef
>>> instance = xp.createInstance(objRef)
>>> # Get location of user aircraft
>>> x = xp.getDatad(xp.findDataRef('sim/flightmodel/position/local_x'))
>>> y = xp.getDatad(xp.findDataRef('sim/flightmodel/position/local_y'))
>>> z = xp.getDatad(xp.findDataRef('sim/flightmodel/position/local_z'))
>>> pitch, heading, roll = (0, 0, 0)
>>> position = x, y, z + 10, pitch, heading, roll
>>> xp.instanceSetPosition(instance, position)