
Note this is not automatically included with the xp module, and since you’ll be making imgui calls, make sure you import that module as well. To use:

from XPPython3 import xp_imgui
import imgui

Dear ImGui is a rich third-party widget library which allows you to add a wide-range of user-interactions very simply. You can use it as a replacement for Laminar Widget user interface.

This module provides a bridge between X-Plane and Imgui library by supporting your creation of an ImGui window. Within the window, you can make any ImGui calls. We handle the mapping between X-Plane (graphics, keyboard, mouse-clicks) and ImGui.


class Window(...)

Return instance of xp_imgui.Window. Parameters are similar to those used with Laminar’s window creator xp.createWindowEx(), with the except that only a draw() callback is available.

Parameters and defaults:
left=100, top=200, right=200, bottom=100,

Parameter values have the same meaning as the Laminar function. The result is a creation of a “modern” Laminar window, with drawing set for ImGui. Additional instance members and methods are exposed.

The key callback is for specifying and drawing the ImGui elements. Your callback function should provide:

myDrawCallback(windowID, refCon)

windowID is the standard X-Plane windowID.

refCon is the reference constant provide with window creation.

We’ll set the ImGui context so all your draw callback needs to do is make calls to imgui:

>>> def drawWindow(windowID, refCon):
...    imgui.button("Click me")

See Using ImGui for additional details.

Window Objects

The following attributes and methods describe Window’s public interface.

Window.windowID: XPLMWindowID

The windowID created for the X-Plane window (internally created using createWindowEx()). This attribute allows you to call most standard XP SDK window functions using this value:

>>> myWindow = xp_imgui.Window(...)
>>> xp.setWindowTitle(myWindow.windowID, "New Window Title")
Window.imgui_context: ImGuiContext instance

The ImGui context created when the window is created, result of imgui.create_context()

Window.io: ImGuiIO instance

The ImGui io created when the window is created, result of imgui.get_io()

Window.delete() None

Cleans up context and ultimately calls destroyWindow() with this window’s windowID. Use this instead of calling xp.destroyWindow(myWindow.windowID).

Convenience methods. You can use these, or their equivalent X-Plane SDK alternative:

Window.setTitle(title: str) None

Identical to xp.setWindowTitle(self.windowID, title)

Window.hasInputFocus() boolean

Identical to xp.hasKeyboardFocus(self.windowID)

Window.requestInputFocus(req: boolean)

Identical to xp.takeKeyboardFocus(self.windowID if req else None)

Internal methods. These provide the translation to/from X-Plane and ImGui. You should not need to call these directly. However, if you see incorrect behavior, view the source and suggest and update to me!

Window.drawWindow(windowID, inRefCon) None

See Using ImGui for examples and details.