
To use:

import xp



Display string in a translucent overlay over the current display and also speak the string if text-to-speech is enabled. The string is spoken asynchronously, this function returns immediately.

>>> xp.speakString("Hello world")

Official SDK XPLMSpeakString


Given a virtual key code vKey (as defined in XPLMDefs) this routine returns a human-readable string describing the character. This routine is provided for showing users what keyboard mappings they have set up. The string may read ‘unknown’ or be a blank or none string if the virtual key is unknown.

You’ll get virtual keys in a key() callback associated with windows (see createWindowEx()), Key Sniffing (registerKeySniffer()), and Hot Keys (registerHotKey()).

>>> xp.getVirtualKeyDescription(xp.VK_SEMICOLON)

Official SDK XPLMGetVirtualKeyDescription


Reload the current set of scenery. You can use this function in two typical ways: simply call it to reload the scenery, picking up any new installed scenery, .env files, etc. from disk. Or, change the sim/flightmodel/position/lat_ref and sim/flightmodel/position/lon_ref dataRefs and then call this function to shift the scenery environment.

Note, as loading the scenery can take a significant amount of time, this function will block the sim until it is complete.

>>> xp.reloadScenery()

Official SDK XPLMReloadScenery


Return the full path to the X-Plane folder. Note that this is a directory path, so it ends in a trailing /.

>>> xp.getSystemPath()
'/Volumes/Red1/X-Plane 11/'

Official SDK XPLMGetSystemPath


This routine returns a full path to a file that is within X-Plane’s preferences directory. (You should remove the file name back to the last directory separator to get the preferences directory.)

>>> xp.getPrefsPath()
'/Volumes/Red1/X-Plane 11/Output/preferences/Set X-Plane.prf'
>>> os.path.dirname(xp.getPrefsPath())
'/Volumes/Red1/X-Plane 11/Output/preferences'

Official SDK XPLMGetPrefsPath


This routine returns a string the directory separator for the current platform. This allows you to write code that concatenates directory paths without having to check for the platform.

But seriously, you’re writing in python, so use os.path.join() instead.

>>> xp.getDirectorySeparator()

Official SDK XPLMGetDirectorySeparator

extractFileAndPath(fullPath) file, path:

Given a full path to a file, this routine separates the path from the file. If the path is a partial directory (e.g. ends in : or ) the trailing directory separator is removed. This routine works in-place; a pointer to the file part of the buffer is returned; the original buffer still starts with the path.

>>> xp.extractFileAndPath('/etc/home/foo')
('foo', '/etc/home')
>>> xp.extractFileAndPath('/etc/home/')
('home', '/etc')
>>> xp.extractFileAndPath('etc/home/')
('home', 'etc')

Don’t use this: use os.path instead.

Official SDK XPLMExtractFileAndPath

getDirectoryContents(dir, firstReturn=0, bufSize=2048, maxFiles=100)

Return a list of files and directories in a directory dir.

The output is returned as a three-element tuple (res, names, totalFiles):


=1 if all information could be returned, 0 otherwise.


a list of file and subdirectory strings


number of files in the directory

>>> xp.getDirectoryContents(xp.getSystemPath())
(1, ['.DS_Store', 'Aircraft', 'Airfoil Maker.app', 'Airfoils', 'canWriteDataRef', 'Custom Data', 'Custom Scenery',
'Cycle Dump.txt', 'Data.txt', 'Global Scenery', 'global_turbulence.grib', 'global_winds.grib', 'imgui.ini',
'Instructions', 'Log.txt', 'METAR.rwx', 'Output', 'Plane Maker.app', 'Resources', 'stations.txt', 'Weapons',
'X-Plane 11 Installer.app', 'X-Plane.app', 'XPPython3Log.txt'], 24)

You can set the maxFiles returned, and skip over the initial files using firstReturn.

>>> xp.getDirectoryContents(xp.getSystemPath(), firstReturn=20, maxFiles=2)
(0, ['Weapons', 'X-Plane 11 Installer.app'], 24)

Also, since the SDK is C language, you can set the maximum buffer size of the set of strings to be pre-allocated. If the buffer is too small, fewer names will be returned (and result will be set to 0.

… and then show pity on poor C programmers who have to deal with such things.

You should use standard python os.walk() or glob.glob() instead.

Official SDK XPLMGetDirectoryContents


Return the revision of X-Plane, XPLM SDK, and the host ID of the app running us.

The most common use of this routine is to special-case around X-Plane version-specific behavior.

Host_Unknown = 0
Host_XPlane = 1

The plug-in system is based on Austin’s cross-platform OpenGL framework and could theoretically be adapted to run in other apps like WorldMaker. The plug-in system also runs against a test harness for internal development and could be adapted to another flight sim (in theory at least). So the Host_* enum is provided to allow plug-ins to identify what app they are running under.

>>> xp.getVersions()
(11550, 303, 1)

Official SDK XPLMGetVersions


Returns the language code the sim is running in:























The Language enum defines what language the sim is running in. This enumeration do not imply that the sim can or does run in all of these languages; they simply provide a known encoding in the event that a given sim version is localized to a certain language.

>>> xp.getLanguage()

Official SDK XPLMGetLanguage


This routine outputs a string to the Log.txt file. You’ll likely want to append a newline to the string. The buffer is immediately flushed so you will not lose data. (This does cause a performance penalty.)

>>> xp.debugString(f"Current version is {xp.getVersions()}\n")

Alternatively, use log() to write to XPPython3Log.txt, or systemLog() to write to Log.txt. Both of these routines add a trailing newline. Writes to XPPython3Log.txt are buffered (and therefore faster), writes to Log.txt are immediately flushed.

Official SDK XPLMDebugString


Install an error-reporting callback for your plugin. Normally the plugin system performs minimum diagnostics to maximize performance. When you install an error callback, you will receive calls due to certain plugin errors, such as passing bad parameters or incorrect data.


Your error callback takes a single string and should not return any value. NOTE: for the sake of debugging, your error callback will be called even if your plugin is not enabled, allowing you to receive debug info in your XPluginStart and XPluginStop callbacks. To avoid causing logic errors in the management code, do not call any other plugin routines from your error callback - it is only meant for logging!

The intention is for you to install the error callback during debug sections and put a break-point inside your callback. This will cause you to break into the debugger from within the SDK at the point in your plugin where you made an illegal call.

Installing an error callback may activate error checking code that would not normally run, and this may adversely affect performance, so do not leave error callbacks installed in shipping plugins.

Error callbacks can be defined for each “real” plugin, but as all XPPython3 python plugins appear as a single plugin to X-Plane, there can be only one error callback for all XPPython3 plugins. Additional calls to setErrorCallback() will replace the previous callback with the new callback (for all XPPython3 plugins).

>>> def MyCallback(msg):
...   xp.log(msg)
>>> xp.setErrorCallback(MyCallback)


We automatically enable a standard error callback on BETA builds of XPPython3, and will enable this same callback on released builds if you enable debug in the preferences file. See Preferences File.

This standard callback prints the error to the python log. You do not need to call setErrorCallback for this feature.

Official SDK XPLMSetErrorCallback


This routine will attempt to find the C-API symbol. If the symbol is found a pointer the function is returned, in the form of a integer constructed from the pointer.

The idea is that this allows your code to access something within X-Plane which is not supported directly by the SDK interface.

For example, assume the SDK did not support the command XPLMGetVersion(). The symbol XPLMGetVersion still exists within X-Plane, so you could access and use it like this:

>>> import ctypes
>>> var = xp.findSymbol('XPLMGetVersions')
>>> MyGetVersionsPrototype = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),
...                                           ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int),
...                                           ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int))
>>> MyGetVersionsTemp = MyGetVersionsPrototype(var)
>>> xp_version = ctypes.c_int()
>>> sdk_version = ctypes.c_int()
>>> hostID = ctypes.c_int()
>>> MyGetVersionsTemp(ctypes.byref(xp_version), ctypes.byref(sdk_version), ctypes.byref(hostID))
<ctypes.wintypes.LP_c_int object at 0xfb7fa3ece40>
>>> print(f"XPlaneVersion: {xp_version.value}, SDK version: {sdk_version.value}, hostID: {hostID.value}")
XPlaneVersion: 11550, SDK version: 303, hostID: 1

Note you need to know the C-Language signature of the symbol and understand how to use python ctypes.

Official SDK XPLMFindSymbol

loadDataFile(fileType, path)

Loads a data file of a given type; path may be absolute, or relative getSystemPath() To clear the replay, pass a None path (this is only valid with replay movies, not sit files).

DataFile_Situation = 1
DataFile_ReplayMovie = 2

DataFile_* enums define types of data files you can load or unload using the SDK.

Returns 1 on success (file found), 0 otherwise.

>>> xp.loadDataFile(xp.DataFile_ReplayMovie, 'Output/replays/Cessna Skyhawk Replay.rep')

Official SDK XPLMLoadDataFile

saveDataFile(fileType, path)

Saves the current situation or replay; path is absolute, or relative to getSystemPath(). See File Types in loadDataFile().

>>> xp.saveDataFile(xp.DataFile_Situation, '/tmp/test.sit')

Official SDK XPLMSaveDataFile

X-Plane Command Management

The command management APIs let plugins interact with the command-system in X-Plane, the abstraction behind keyboard presses and joystick buttons. This API lets you create new commands and modify the behavior (or get notification) of existing ones.

An X-Plane command consists of three phases: a beginning, continuous repetition, and an ending. The command may be repeated zero times in the event that the user presses a button only momentarily.

Note that a command is not “owned” by a particular plugin. Since many plugins may participate in a command’s execution, the command does not go away if the plugin that created it is unloaded.


A command ref is an opaque identifier for an X-Plane command. Command references stay the same for the life of your plugin but not between executions of X-Plane. Command refs are used to execute commands, create commands, and create callbacks for particular commands. A command ref is returned by findCommand() or created by createCommand().


Look up a command by name, and return its commandRef or None if the command does not exist.

>>> xp.findCommand('xppython3/about')
<capsule object "XPLMCommandRef" at 0x7fab99874536>

Official SDK XPLMFindCommand


Start the execution of a command, specified by its commandRef. The command is “held down” until you call commandEnd().

(Some commands act as ‘toggles’, whereby repeated invocations of commandBegin() enable / disable the action. For these types of commands using commandOnce() is preferred.)

>>> commandRef = xp.findCommand('xppython3/about')
>>> xp.commandBegin(commandRef)

Official SDK XPLMCommandBegin


End the execution of a given command, specified by its commandRef that was started with commandBegin().

>>> commandRef = xp.findCommand('sim/flight_controls/brakes_max')
>>> xp.commandBegin(commandRef)
>>> xp.commandEnd(commandRef)

Official SDK XPLMCommandEnd


This executes a given commandRef, doing both CommandBegin and CommandEnd. You can use this as a replacement for the deprecated XPLMCommandKeyStroke.

>>> xp.commandOnce(xp.findCommand('xppython3/about'))

Official SDK XPLMCommandOnce

createCommand(name, description=None)

Create a new command for a given string. If the command already exists, the existing commandRef is returned. The description may appear in user interface contexts, such as the joystick configuration screen. If description is not provided, it will be set to name.

You’ll still need to register a command handler (registerCommandHandler()) in order to have your new command actually do anything.

>>> xp.createCommand('my/new/command', 'Do something!')

Official SDK XPLMCreateCommand

registerCommandHandler(commandRef, callback, before=1, refCon=None)

Register a callback for the given commandRef. You provide a callback with a reference constant.

If before is 1, your callback will be executed before X-Plane executes the command, and your returning 0 from your callback will disable X-Plane’s processing of the command. If before is 0, your callback will run after X-Plane. (You can register a single callback both before and after a command.)

Your callback should look like:

commandCallback(commandRef, phase, refCon)

Your callback receives the commandRef for the particular command, the phase of the command that is executing, and the refCon that you provided when registering the callback.

Your command handler should return 1 to let processing of the command continue to other plugins and X-Plane, or 0 to halt processing, potentially bypassing X-Plane code.

phase is:
CommandBegin = 0

The command is being started.

CommandContinue = 1

The command is continuing to execute.

CommandEnd = 2

The command has ended.

>>> def MyHandler(commandRef, phase, refCon):
...    print(f"Command got phase: {phase}")
...    return 1
>>> commandRef = xp.findCommand('sim/flight_controls/brakes_max')
>>> xp.registerCommandHandler(commandRef, MyHandler)
>>> xp.commandBegin(commandRef)
Command got phase: 0
Command got phase: 1
>>> xp.commandEnd(commandRef)
Command got phase: 2

Official SDK XPLMRegisterCommandHandler

unregisterCommandHandler(commandRef, callback, before, refCon)

Remove a command callback registered with registerCommandHandler(). Parameters much match those used with registration.

>>> xp.unregisterCommandHandler(commandRef, MyHandler)

Official SDK XPLMUnregisterCommandHandler