ACPR - Load and Init the Airplane at Location


Single command which combines both the ACFN and PREL datastructures. (Yes, repeating the “plane_index” user aircraft):

msg = struct.pack('<4sxi150s2xiii8siiddddd', b'ACPR',
                   plane_index,             # 0 -> User aircraft, otherwise 1-19
                   path.encode('utf-8'),    # remember to encode string as bytes
                   livery,                  # livery index for aircraft
                   type_start,              # See enumeration with PREL
                   plane_index,             # 0 -> User aircraft, otherwise 1-19
                   apt_id.encode('utf-8'),  # remember to encode string to bytes
                   apt_rwy_idx,             # it's an index, not the runway heading
                   apt_rwy_dir,             # again, an index
                   lat_deg, lon_deg,        # Not needed, if you use apt_id
                   ele_mtr,                 # elevation meters
                   psi_tru,                 # aircraft heading true
                   spd_msc)                 # speed meters per second
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))