OBJN/OBJL - Load and Place Object


Load an object into an object index – you provide the integer index number and a relative path to an OBJ file. For example, Lady Liberty from Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - New York/objects/Lady_Liberty.obj:

path = 'Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - New York/objects/Lady_Liberty.obj')
index = 1
msg = struct.pack('<4sxi500s', b'OBJN',
                  path.encode('utf-8'))  # remember to encode string as bytes
self.sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

Nothing will be displayed until you issue OBJL.

To display a loaded object, use OBJL and provide location information.

msg = struct.pack('<4sxi4xdddfffif4x', b'OBJL',
                  index,            # as provided with OBJN above
                  lat, lon, ele,    # floats, elevation is meters (ignored if on_ground = 1)
                  psi, theta, phi,  # floats
                  on_ground,        # 1= set on ground, 0= use provided elevation
                  smoke_size)       # 0.0 is no smoke
self.sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))


Placing on ground at latitude, longitude works, but setting elevation, or rotational values results in unexpected movement of the object. It’s broken in 11.55: Bug filed with Laminar Research Sept-17-2021.