RADR - Weather Radar


Single packet with RADR command and number of radar points per frame you’d like X-Plane to send you.:

msg = struct.pack('<4sx10s', b'RADR', b'10')  # requesting 10 radar points per frame
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

To stop, set request to b‘0’ times per frame.:

msg = struct.pack('<4sx10s', b'RADR', b'0')  # requesting 0 radar points per frame
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

Received data differs for XP11 and XP12:

X-Plane 11


Single packet with radar data:

(header,       # == 'RADR'
 lon,          # float longitude of radar point
 lat,          # float latitude
 storm_level,  # precipitation level, 0 to 100
 storm_height  # storm tops in meters MSL
 ) = struct.unpack("<4xffBf", packet)


X-Plane 11.55 (at least) documentation indicates 4-byte float storm_level_0_100 whereas it is actually a single unsigned char.

X-Plane 12


Single packet with radar data:

(header,       # == 'RADR'
 lon,          # float longitude of radar point
 lat,          # float latitude
 bases_meters, # float cloud bases in meters MSL
 tops_meters,  # float cloud tops in meters MSL
 clouds ratio, # float ratio, clouds present in the lat and lon
 precip_ratio  # float ratio, precipitation present at this lat and lon
 ) = struct.unpack("<4xffffff", packet)