CMND - Execute Command

X-Plane Commands are simply those listed in <XP>/Resources/plugins/Commands.txt (and any defined by plugins or aircraft.)


Send the command as a string:

dref = "sim/map/show_current"
msg = struct.pack('<4sx500s', b'CMND',
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

For example, there is a command sim/map/show_current which will toggle the display of the map window.

To execute this command, you’re going to use a socket:

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

msg = 'CMND\x00'                                  # Sending a command (with terminating null byte)
msg += 'sim/map/show_current'                     # the command to send
msg = msg.encode('utf-8')                         # convert from unicode to utf-8 encoded string
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))  # send to (addr, port) as provided by the beacon

Note you don’t get a return value from X-Plane: there is no “success” or “failure”. You will get a return count of the number of bytes sent by sock.sendto(), but you’ll get that even if you completely mess up the command.

Because the result of encoding a (unicode) string is a bytes object, we could just have easily done:

msg = b'CMND\x00sim/map/show_current'
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))


cmd = b'CMND'
dref = b'sim/map/show_current'
msg = struct.pack('<4sx500s', cmd, dref)
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))