RPOS - Request Aircraft Position


Single packet with RPOS command and number as a string, representing number of times per second you’d like X-Plane to send you a packet with current aircraft position.:

msg = struct.pack('<4sx10s', b'RPOS', b'60')  # requesting 60 times /second
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

You can use this to drive displays, moving maps, etc.

To stop, set request to b‘0’ times per second:

msg = struct.pack('<4sx10s', b'RPOS', b'0')  # requesting 0 times /second
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))


Single packet with position data:

(header,          # 'RPOS'
 dat_lon,         # float longitude of the aircraft in X-Plane of course, in degrees
 dat_lat,         # float latitude
 dat_ele,         # float elevation above sea level in meters
 y_agl_mtr,       # float elevation above the terrain in meters
 veh_the_loc,     # float pitch, degrees
 veh_psi_loc,     # float true heading, in degrees
 veh_phi_loc,     # float roll, in degrees
 vx_wrl,          # float speed in the x, EAST, direction, in meters per second
 vy_wrl,          # float speed in the y, UP, direction, in meters per second
 vz_wrl,          # float speed in the z, SOUTH, direction, in meters per second
 Prad,            # float roll rate in radians per second
 Qrad,            # float pitch rate in radians per second
 Rrad,            # float yaw rate in radians per second
 ) = struct.unpack("<4xdddffffffffff", packet)