VEHX - Drive X-Planes Visuals

Perhaps you have a great flight model, but a bad visual system, so now you want to drive X-Plane as a visual system.

Using the VEHX command, you can set the location and attitude of every plane. Note that once you use this, you’ve also disabled the physics of the aircraft, so you’ll need to continue to drive all movement.

If you want to move the aircraft once without disabling the physics, use VEHS - Drive X-Planes Visuals Single.


Stream of packets with VEHX command. Each packet will be acted upon immediately by X-Plane.:

msg = struct.pack('<4sxidddfff', b'VEHX',
                  p,              # The index of the airplane you want to control.
                  dat_lat,        # latitude, in degrees
                  dat_lon,        # longitude, in degrees
                  dat_ele,        # elevation above sea level, in meters
                  veh_psi_true,   # heading, degrees true
                  veh_the,        # pitch, degrees
                  veh_phi)        # roll, degrees
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

Use 0 for the main airplane that you fly to drive the visuals.