VEHS - Drive X-Planes Visuals Single

This is just like the VEHX - Drive X-Planes Visuals, but it does not stop the X-Plane flight model: it allows you to move the place one time… Then the flight model continues to run from the new location/orientation, and the physics is not disabled.


Send single packet with VEHS command:

msg = struct.pack('<4sxidddfff', b'VEHS',
                  p,              # The index of the airplane you want to control.
                  dat_lat,        # latitude, in degrees
                  dat_lon,        # longitude, in degrees
                  dat_ele,        # elevation above sea level, in meters
                  veh_psi_true,   # heading, degrees true
                  veh_the,        # pitch, degrees
                  veh_phi)        # roll, degrees
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

Use 0 for the main airplane that you fly to drive the visuals.