FLIR - Forward Looking Infrared Images

Deprecated since version X-Plane: 11.41. No longer available.

You can get image capture from X-Plane over UDP. Only black-and-white images are sent to save bandwidth and simulate FLIR.


Single packet with FLIR command and number of frames per second to receive:

msg = struct.pack('<4sx10s', b'FLIR', b'10')  # requesting 10 images per second
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

To stop, set request to b‘0’ times per second.:

msg = struct.pack('<4sx10s', b'FLIR', b'0')  # requesting 0 frames per second
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))


(See “Getting X-Plane real-time FLIR.rtf” for how to extract the FLIR images you’ll receive.)


X-Plane 11.55 and X-Plane 12 do not send FLIR data. This command has been de-commissioned.