LSND/SSND - Loop a Sound

Loop a WAV file, playing until you send the equivalent SSND. X-Plane includes many sound files under <XP>/Resources/sounds.


Use the relative path to the sound file (e.g., Resources/sounds/alert/fire_bell.wav):

path = 'Resources/sounds/alert/fire_bell.wav'
msg = struct.pack('<4sxiff500s', b'LSND',
                  index,                 # 0-4
                  freq,                  # frequency, 1.0 == 100%
                  vol,                   # volume, 1.0 == 100%
                  path.encode('utf-8'))  # remember to encode string as bytes
sock.sendto(msg, (beacon['ip'], beacon['port']))

This loops the given sound. See SOUN to play a sound once. freq and vol play the sound relative to how it was recorded: 1.0 means play at 100% of original speed, and original volume.

You can enable up to 5 loops to play at the same time, by assigning different values for index, and sending five UDP commands.

To stop looping, send the same command with SSND, and a matching index number.